On Jun 2, 2007, at 6:53 PM, Chris wrote:
Anyone running Linaches on SGI boxen? I imagine I
could get tarred and feathered for stating such in
certain mixed company, but even support for the R10000
has materialized.
Nahhh...no tar and feathers...but maybe a wet noodle.
Yes, I know of people running older MIPS-compiled Red Hat 5.1 Linux
or Debian Linux (
IP27-HOWTO ) on SGI Indys or O2s being the most popular.
There is also a Linux on MIPS Wiki at
Main_Page Or even SGI's own webpage
with downloadable Hard Hat (Red Hat Manhattan) 5.1 Linux http://
I've heard of people using Origin 200 and Octanes (R10K or R12K MIPS)
with Linux but that was after any playing I did with Linux on an Indy.
MIPS Technologies (after splitting off of SGI) developed many new
MIPS processors like the 24K, 34K, and 74K that are used with their
Malta board and Linux from a couple of partners (4K processor also
used by these partners).