Thanks Gary. This is my understanding as well since everything works with XXDP right from
DEC and I'm not using the H-27. So, I remain optimistic that I can get this working.
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On Mar 10, 2016, at 5:46 PM, Gary L. Messick <Gary
at> wrote:
There is no difference in the LSI-11 board on an H-11 and a pdp-11/03. What DEC did do
was cripple Heath's version of RT-11 (called HT-11). It would only work with
Heath's H-27 floppy drive unit. The Heath serial, parallel, and memory cards were all
compatible with DEC's offerings, AFAIK.
That being said, I personally don't have experience with true RT-11 on the H-11.
-------- Original message --------
From: Richard Cini
Date:03/10/2016 4:09 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts"
Subject: Re: Which RT-11 for an 11/03
If I have time tonight I'll log the session with "verbose" set on the
TU58EM. Again, I'm trying the trick of booting from a TU58 emulator and an RK image
with DD as the boot target (supposedly can work but maybe slow). I can see the blocks
being read in but it stops and doesn't give me the sign-on banner.
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