Doc Shipley wrote:
I have a new-to-me 11/04 in the kitchen, and I'm
having some very odd
problems with it.
Slot 1 - M7263 11/04 CPU
Slot 2 - empty
Oops! Grant is gone..
You need to have a G727 or a G7273 in slot 2.
Slot 3, AB - M9301-YA
Slot 3, c-F M7859 KY11-LB Console interface
Slot 4, C-F M7856 SLU, switched for 9600bps, 8N1, 20mA C.L. console
Slot 5-6 - G657/H228-B 64KW core assy.
Is there a G727 in slot 6?
Yes, this is my two weeks at home between travels,
my wife is visiting
her mom in New England, and I'm catching up on Geek Time. There are 3
PDP-11s, a new-to-me IBM 9348-012 9-track tabletop, several terminals,
laptops, and monitors, and an Amiga A3000 in the dining room right now.
Wow! I envy you. I don't get as much geek time as I like..
Wishing my in-laws were further (like India or Africa).. :-)