At 09:36 PM 9/26/98 +0000, you wrote:
On 26 Sep 98 at 6:27, Phil Clayton wrote:
> Lawrence Walker wrote:
> > On 25 Sep 98 at 17:27, Tom Owad wrote:
> >
> > > > I hope you don't send me any mail or post any messages from your
> > > >earthlink address. I've gotten tons of SPAM from earthlink and
they're a
> > > >permanent part of my SPAM filters
> > >
> > > I find this all rather disturbing. What am I supposed to do if I
want to
> > > get in contact with one of you guys who
is blocking email from
> Surely not use Hotmail or my AOL account!
> Tom Owad
Guess I can't send any email to you either I'm on Sprint/Earthlink also..
Phil Clayton
My e-mail program didn't properly attribute the original reply to Allison.
I just checked your e-mail headers. It has @sprintmail on the from
line. I do see earthlink in the routing tho. Like Allison the multitude of
I was getting had earthlink as the domain so that's
what I'm filtering.
If Sprint hooked up with Earthlink that's another mistake they've made
beside only accepting Win 95 users. If it weren't for that I might have
signed on with them since they give unlimited for the same amount I'm
paying my ISP for 120 hours. I use Sprint for my long-distance calls and
have some bonuses for that combo, but with my present
ISP I also have shell
usage and there's no way in hell I'm going to switch to Win 9x because of
mistake of some marketing weenie who believes all the
Micro Sloth hype.
BTW what's happening with your community and hurricane George ? I had heard
everybody was being forced to evacuate.
ciao larry
Hi Larry,
Sprint does (or did) support Win 3.1. I used them for a while but
dropped them due *VERY* poor service. I think I still have their W 3.1
installation disk. You're right about Phil's E-mail showing that it comes
from Sprint, I looked at it too. In addition, Phil and
I have E-mailed
privately a number of times with no problems and I have Earthlink
For you guys that are worried because you use Earthlink or Hotamil all I
can say is to raise hell with them for permitting SPAMMING or else change
your ISP.
I'm in Orlando Florida. There's no significant damage here. LOTs of
rain though.