I have the following versions of firmware EPROMs for the Emulex QD21:
E65C - 16KB
E65G - 32KB
E65J - 32KB
There no text strings in the Rev C firmware and no on board
Firmware-Resident Diagnostic.
The Rev G firmware has the following on board main menu:
Emulex Corporation
Copyright All rights reserved
QD21 controller, firmware revision level IP address =
Option menu
1 - Format
2 - Format and verify
3 - Verify
4 - Read only test
5 - Data reliability test
6 - List known units
7 - Replace block
8 - Display Novram
9 - Edit / Load Novram
Enter option number:
The Rev J firmware has the following on board main menu:
Firmware-Resident Diagnostic
Copyright (c) 1988 Emulex Corporation all rights reserved
QD21 controller, firmware revision level IP address =
Option menu
1 - Self Test Loop
2 - Format
3 - Verify
4 - Format and Verify
5 - Data Reliability Test
6 - Format, Verify, and Data Reliability Test
7 - Read Only Test
8 - List Known Units
9 - Replace Block
10 - Print RCT
11 - Display Novram
12 - Edit / Load Novram
Enter option number: