The Atari 2600 has a built-in RF modulator and IIRC a permanently attached
RF cord with an RCA plug on the end which was intended to be plugged into a
"TV/GAME" switchbox.
IIRC tjhat switchbox contains what we (in the UK) call a 'Balun'. I am
not sure if that term has crossed the Pond, it's an abreviation of
'Balanced <-> Unbalanced'.
The outptu of the RF modualtor is a 75 OHm unbalanced signal, I seem to
rememebr most US TVs use a 300 Ohm balanced aerial (antenna) input, which
maks siense given the aerial is likelyu to abe a dipole. European TVs
ahve a 75 Ohm unbalanced inputs, which is electrical nosense to connect
to a dipole, but it works anyway...
My expeirence is that with somethign like a gmaes console, if you don't
ahve the right Balun, you can get away with just connectign the inner and
outer of the RCA phono connecotr to the aerial terminals o nthe TV. It's
no a match in any sense of the word, but you'll get a perfectly useable