Pete Turnbull wrote:
On Mar 20, 17:02, Max Eskin wrote:
> Subject: Time/Date stamper
Also, the
stamping has impressed the numbers into the rubber platen. How
do I get rid of that?
When I ran litho printing presses (in a former life) we used a solvent called
MEK (methyl ethyl ketone) to undo "blanket smashes" -- dents in the rubber
offset blanket caused by crumpled paper under high pressure. It's also used to
give the blanket an occasional extra-good clean. MEK is also used in the
plastics industry as a solvent and to glue PVC and ABS. It shouldn't be too
hard to find. Caution: it's very inflammable, it dissolves or at least attacks
several types of plastic, removes ink as soon as you look at it, and also
removes the natural oils from your skin, so don't wash you hands in it :-)
I haven't used MEK, back in the days when I was with the Radio Shack
Computer Centers one of my managers introduced me to the use of
acetone for the restoration of hymens on daisy wheel printer platens.
Warnings are the same.
Ward Griffiths
Dylan: How many years must some people exist,
before they're allowed to be free?
WDG3rd: If they "must" exist until they're "allowed",
they'll never be free.