On Fri, 23 Jan 2004, Christian Fandt wrote:
The OS's that are said in that website to be used
in the GRiDLite are
PenPoint, Penwindows, PenRight. What are all these??
PenPoint was Go Corporation's attempt at a pen-based OS (i.e. for tablet
computers). PenWindows was Microsoft's obligatory attempt to hijack the
market from Go (Read Jerry Kaplan's _Startup_ for a great story). I've
never heard of PenRight.
find funds: three brand new Tandy 100's plus
carrying cases, two of the
little PC2's with printers and a PC1 with printer, all with bunches of s/w
& accessories went for only $200 for the lot. I scrounged up about $150 for
all the rest of the stuff described here.
$200 is a tad steep for that lot. $150 would be more acceptable.
Just need a toner cartridge for the LJ III as the
photodrum has a seemingly
permanent toner stain on its surface and horizontal groove along its length
from where the toner scraper had set stationary for 10+ years. Leaves a
horiz. line and faint blotches on printed sheets. Will not cleanup by
itself. Okay for draft printing but not for stuff one would want to archive
such as DEC manual reprints, etc. (or my college homework :-). Anybody know
if touching the photodrum with cleaner of some sort and soft cloth will
destroy it?? The built-in scrapper will not clear the stuck-on toner. Still
that darned groove though . . .
Don't bother...I've got a bunch of these surplus. Let me know if you want
one or more and I'll send them out to you (along with the SCSI cables
you wanted).
Also, anybody have a JetDirect Ethernet card for the
LaserJet III they
could part with? Cannot yet determine the exact part # at this time via
online searches. No mention in manual as this option may not have been
developed at time of publication (1990). They became available later.
I have a Token Ring JetDirect adapter for this if you want to connect it
to your Token Ring network :)
Some of that heap of On topic and Off topic NOS PeeCee
boards and misc
stuff include a Copy II PC board including manual and disk, a dozen or so
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