On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 9:03 PM, Diane Bruce <db at db.net> wrote:
I knew someone online (IRC) who had a finger amputated
because a rack
dropped on it. As a pianist, this squicked me quite a bit.
!!! I play piano, too, so I completely understand.
I would highly recommend caution to anyone moving any
heavy rack, don't
be stupid.
When I was younger (in high school), I had a couple of minor incidents
moving big DEC equipment - nothing requiring more than first aid, but
enough to keep me cautious. Now that I'm substantially older, I'm
eyeing that lift as an essential tool - most of my close calls have
come from hefting large things into racks - RK05s, RA81s, etc., though
I nearly crushed myself extracting an 11/750 from a Chevy Astro Van
once - fortunately for me, it wedged in the door opening and did not
slip more than a few inches, but it could have been much less
IIRC, Sridar has a story or two that, fortunately, I can't top.