Anyone have any info on rebuilding the head for a regular 9-pin dot
matrix printer? I have an open pin-5 coil on mine, and I would like to
take it apart to see if I can repair/replace the coil, BUT I am a bit
concerned about taking these things apart. Springs flying off, etc.
Looking on-line does not turn up anything (so far) on dismantling these
suckers. If necessary I will document it myself, but was hoping the info
was already out there!
The head I have is an Anadex DPH-100, and the only place on-line that
shows them no longer repairs 'em! Nor did the tech I spoke to recall any
John :-#)#
John's Jukes Ltd. 2343 Main St., Vancouver, BC, Canada V5T 3C9
Call (604)872-5757 or Fax 872-2010 (Pinballs, Jukes, VideoGames)
"Old pinballers never die, they just flip out"