> The first Apple that I ever had was a used,
> "converted", "euro" ][ motherboard that somebody had stuck
> in a discarded PROCessor TechnOLOGY Sol case,
> with an external RCA membrane keyboard!
On Fri, 22 Jul 2005, Vintage Computer Festival wrote:
Wow, what an ultimate kludge! I love it!
Nicest case that I've ever had - certainly makes Northstar look like
plywood :-)
The RCA keyboard had a lousy feel, but it could withstand a lot of abuse
The motherboard was pretty bad. Corroded sockets, and LOTS of cold
solder joints. Wires all over the place. Some previous owner had
apparently carefully followed "instructions" for converting a Euro
board, converting to different (EP)ROM chips, etc.,
but was even worse at soldering than I am.