U of M as in Maryland? I'm in Laurel. :-)
So far I've found endless fascination in chips and power transistors.
But, the most unbelievably fascinating thing that I've seen in that
scope was something I thought would be boring...a blown tungsten lamp
filament! I just did some quick scans of some of the
electromicrographs I've done lately. They can be seen at
http://www.neurotica.com/sem/images if you're interested. The blown
tungsten lamp filament pics are filament-1.jpg and filament-2.jpg.
Have you tried Minerals? They're amazing under an electron microscope!
BTW, part of my PDP-11 equipment is off of a Cameca Microprobe. The PDP-11
was running RSX-11M. I still haven't gotten around to trying to use the
Q-Bus video card that I got with that haul.