On 19/12/05 11:26, "Jules Richardson" <julesrichardsonuk at yahoo.co.uk>
That made we wonder... what's the oldest
*operational* digital machine owned
by anyone on this list? Although I suppose it's hard to define 'machine' -
something with RAM, I/O in some form, and at least one CPU (what the heck do
you call a CPU when it's no longer central?)
Hm. I've never powered it up but I've no reason (hah) to assume it doesn't
work, my oldest digital machine is a Kim-1 from maybe 1976. Definitely
working is a PET 2001-8, blue screen version which is what, 1978? Bung in
the 1977 Atari VCS too.....
Earliest analogue machine is my Magnavox Odyssey 1, 1972, if that can be
counted as a 'machine'
(on the flipside, the newest machine in the museum is a 2000-ish Mac G4
'sawtooth' :o)
Binary Dinosaurs creator/curator
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