At 06:46 PM 3/13/2013, you wrote:
On Mar 13, 2013, at 7:01 PM, Josh Dersch <derschjo
at> wrote:
Well, turns out that someone (me!) had installed
the wrong fuse -- it was a
2.5A fuse where a 10A was required (F2 takes the 2.5A, btw). Apparently
when fuses start to give out they draw a lot of current -- lesson learned
Good thing to look out for! If I were to nitpick, though, I'd probably
point out that it's not that the fuse is starting to draw a lot of
current, but rather that it's starting to drop a lot of voltage as the
I in the IV term of Ohm's law goes way above its intended range. The
glowing is a tangential result (P = I^2*R).
Good point. At least he didn't have any LERs on
the power supply besides. Encountering an SED is also AVBT.
(LER: Light Emitting Resistor. Ohm's law has been broken.)
(SED: Smoke Emitting Diode. Don't break Ohm's law. It will get its revenge.)
(AVBT: A Very Bad Thing, vs ABT: A Bad Thing.
Marth a Stewart was not consulted.)
878 . [Government]I don't make jokes. I just
watch the government and report the facts. --Will Rogers
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