On 01/24/2013 12:59 PM, Tony Duell wrote:
That one may be correct. I seem to remember that the
32K DRAMs were
aviaalble in 2 versions correspodnig nto low-half (or a 64K chip) good
and high-half good. You had to hold the A7 input in the correct state
when loading the column address.
That got started long before 64Kx1 DRAMs. I still have a drawer full of
ceramic Intel 2109-xomehting, or half of a 2117--the "something told you
which half was good". ISTR this came from the "we're embargoing
Japanese DRAMs because of dumping" time. I did manage to get a uPD416
sample at the same time from NEC and it was amazing--it'd hold its data
for several seconds without refresh. Not only were the Japanese DRAMs
cheaper, but they were better at that time...