I looked for an image or record of the PDP8/L reference card, and one of
the entries which showed up was for manx.
I don't know how to contact the maintainer for manx but figure if
someone can comment here it would be better than me ratholing and still
not figuring it out.
Anyway I found that the entry for one of the entries is stale but the
internet archive had captured the tar file with the information.
PDP-8 Pocket Reference Card
I did find this, and will try.
Is something not working? Is a URL out of date or offline? Feel free to
create a bug report <http://manx.codeplex.com/WorkItem/Create> on our
CodePlex project <http://manx.codeplex.com>
One of the questions is whether
archive.org entries are desirable or
acceptible by the rules, and 2, whether the internet archive will be
okay with that.? I see frequently that Wikipedia entries retrieve and
publish those links.