Doug Coward wrote:
Any way, I have some PRELIMINARY results from my
first little research project.
For some time now I've been worried that when my last two boxes of 10 sector
hard sector mini-floppies were gone, I would not be able to find any more.
So, I started toying with the idea that I could make my own floppies.
Last weekend, using a 1/8" paper punch, I changed 3 DSDD soft sectored floppies
into 3 DSDD 10 sector hard sector floppies by punching 10 more holes in them!
So far I've just tested them on an IMSAI and a North Star Horizon using CP/M
1.4 and NSDOS. NO PROBLEMS! (Format,copy disk,boot with new disk)
North Star DOS has a DT (Disk Test) command that writes an incrementing pattern
to the entire disk starting at track 0 (over and over until you press ctl-C).
So where the Hell do you find a 1/8" paper punch? The only ones I find
seem to be closer to 3/16" or 1/4". Like the ones I used back when I
thought it was practical to flip TRS-80 diskettes. (It wasn't. They
worked -- for a while, especially when diskettes were $20+ per ten.)
Ward Griffiths
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails
of the last priest." [Denis Diderot, "Dithyrambe sur la fete de rois"]