Rumor has it that Bill Bradford may have mentioned these words:
On Tue, Aug 07, 2001 at 11:35:32AM -0500, Jeffrey S.
Sharp wrote:
I'll always hold in high esteem the 300 baud
internal modem that let me
discover 'the Internet' in ~1991.
Same here. For me it was a HP 110 "laptop" with internal 300 baud
modem, dialed up to Tymnet's PC PURSUIT service. Shortly after that,
an Atari 520STfm with a Hayes Smartmodem 300.
Holey-Moley - Y'all had the big toyz! ;-)
I started with my CoCo2 & a 300baud Radio Shack mumble-modem - the gray
matter is rusty, but it was their "lowest-end" & still cost around $150USD
- I remember hand-dialing then hanging up just right after the CD while
pushing the "connect" button on the modem... With practice, I could connect
correctly 2 out of every 3 tries... ;-) Nowadays in this
"Internet-Infested" world, if the modems are down for 5 minutes, I've got
100 angry customers calling... :-(
...And I was dialing 400 miles away (long distance out-of-state - was
cheaper than the nearest dialup in-state which was still 150 miles distant)
to Tymnet or Telenet to connect to compuserve in '86 or '87...
Lemme tell ya - 32x16 green-screen is *not* fun to attempt
telecommunications with... but if that's allz ya gotz... Aaahhh, the good
'ol days! ;-)
[[ and I doubt I could do it anymore, but I could *whistle* the characters
Q & R into the handset while the modem was connected... Needless to say,
back then that "talent" still didn't attract the chicks! ;-) ]]
Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger --- sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
Recycling is good, right??? Ok, so I'll recycle an old .sig.
If at first you don't succeed, nuclear warhead
disarmament should *not* be your first career choice.