On 06/03/2014 12:17 PM, Adrian Stoness wrote:
I don't see your point. I used MDS 800 and 200 systems and, yes they
ran ISIS, but DRI also furnished the OEM kit on 8" SSSD to work with the
MDS-800. I believe that you'll find specific mention of the MDS in the
source code on the redistribution disk.
The redistribution disk was just that--it contains the tools necessary
to create a master copy of CP/M system for redistribution, including a
program that can be used to insert serial numbers into the system binary
and MOVCPM. It does not include the "user utilities" such as PIP, ED,
ASM, etc.
It contains the following files:
bios.asm cpmgen.sub cpsys1.hex genmod.cpm serial.hex
boot0.hex cpmove.asm cpxfer.asm serial.asm sysgen.asm
boot1.hex cpmove.hex
cpxfer.com serial.bak unskew.asm
boot.asm cpsys0.hex
genhex.com serial.com unskew.com
That's it--the CP/M redistribution disk.