On 4 December 2011 18:54, Liam Proven <lproven at gmail.com> wrote:
As I write I am on my easy hinge from an
excellent early Yule party. Mi=
host is a book dealer, sells a lot on Abe, &
works solely from home wit=
h no
Joys of predictive text entry on a keyboardless smartphone. Er, when
My 'new' (buyt still ancient) cellular teelphone has predictive texting.
I wish I could find wome way to turn it off, it's a darn nuisance. Any
machine that thinks it knows more than I do about what I want is
invariably wrong...
drunk. That was /meant/ to say "I am on my way
home..." 8=AC)
I read 'hinge' as a typo for 'binge' (as in binge drinking), but I
couldn'y make much sense of the rest.