Anyone know the background / meaning of Coleco's
"Adam" name?
Amazing. It took only three replies for my thread to get horribly
off-topic vs. what I intended.
Adam vs. ADAM -- that's what I am trying to find out! I am a stickler
for correct grammar when I'm writing a formal document. In this case I
have a reason to mentioning the computer in the book I'm writing. I
know I've seen it in all capitals, but I suspect that's either clueless
fandom or a Coleco marketing ploy. If I can find out whether the
letters were an acronym, then I'll know whether to capitalize them.
Even if the name was trademarked in call caps but didn't stand for
anything, then fuck 'em, I'm going with "Adam" .... it's not my job
help anyone with their marketing.