Don wrote:
It doesn't take long to realize that this is a non-solution:
- keyboards are PS2, Sun, USB, ADB, etc.
Keyboards that are USB convert to PS2 with a gizmo
Sun converters can be had on ebay, though not cheaply.
SS10 and 20s and prior are handled well, but the next
up cheapo, the U5/10 motherboard is a pain because
it is sun keyboard and VGA out. they only went half
way till the blades. U2 etc, are 13w3 however but
are not as nice as the U5 because they require scsi
- mice are PS2, Serial, Sun, USB, ADB, etc.
meece that are USB can go to PS2.
- video is Sun's 13W3, HD15, DEC's RGB,
apple's DB15, etc.
there is a sun converter for the raritan and for
avocent that converts the keyboard and video.
it requires sun keyboard power tu run the logic, and
is rare on ebay.
there is a mac box from raritan that converts to
ps2, maybe there are other such solutions.
ADB does not ring a bell, so I guess I don't have
The Dec Vax type video and keyboards, as well
as the funny HP's ones are pretty much in the
"hide the keyboard and mouse" class.
AIX boxes that I am keeping must have vga
adapters, and ps2, though they are not w/o problems.
Does anyone make a *truly* universal KVM (i.e. so
I can mix and match all of these flavors)? And, how
outrageously priced is it?
Or, do I just have to get used to hiding "not in use"
mice, etc. out of the way?