-----------Original Message:
Date: Wed, 21 May 2008 12:42:58 +0000
From: Ethan Dicks <ethan.dicks at usap.gov>
Subject: Re: Capacitor values for original PET power supply?
Between subroutines past $9800, and some tables referenced
earlier, and a complete lack of a reasonable end of the code,
I'd say that's only the half of it.
It was common to stuff code in 2K or 4K chunks between $9000
and $BFFF... the hex files, though, seem to only describe
2K chunks. Are your ROMs all 2K and some haven't been copied
Looks like there are only three, but it might be interesting to know what
the other labels say (and confirm the EPROM sizes).
Computhink also made other add-ons, including a disk drive IIRC, so those
PCB slots are probably for things like the disk interface, etc.
You might be able to track down someone through old archives who has (had)
the manual for it.