Rumor has it that John Boffemmyer IV may have mentioned these words:
Sridhar: I could always sell you my incredibly flawed
and limited Palm m130...
Altho I hate how Sony has to "Sonyfy" things, my NR70 is one schweet Palm
computer. People keep asking me why I don't upgrade, and I keep telling 'em
"because there's no other unit as nice as this yet." Sounds just like my
Tandy 200... ;-)
Now if only MicroWare/Radisys would port OS-9 to 68K-based Palms, we'd all
be set -- Mmmm... portable Dynacalc... ;-)
Also, there used to be a joke/image out there about M$:
The next new
future: "Windows CE_Me_NT: dumb as a brick and goes about as fast."
I like that... Altho I must say that NT is a lot more useful if you know
what your doing with it than the other two...
[Win98 Trim] in the footprint of about 48MB, full
Yea, there's a lot of cruft.
if the newer XP takes about what- 1GB
If you don't know where to clean the crap -- 3.3G. Just installed it on
"zFudge" -- my Fujitsu laptop.
And on boot, nearly 200Meg RAM used! Well, I have it (without *that* much
tuning) using 81Meg on boot.... not too bad, methinks...
After some cleaning and juicing the swapfile - 1.3G. I have more to clean
yet... but...
for fully loaded installation? It probably only truly
needs (estimating
fairly) about 256MB
About 350Meg. Found this site yesterday:
They also have RAM utilization to around 44Meg on boot. $40USD for the
"Pro" version, there's a lite version for free.
$30-40.00 US plus shipping for a replacement m130
battery via 3rd party
(Palm doesn't even offer it and their tech-help confirmed that)! For a
unit only 3-4 years old, that is about double what the unit goes for
used, in good to excellent condition, on ebay.
Didja check ePay for the batteries? I got 2 cheap chinese replacement
batteries for my Sonys for about $30 shipped; and in the Sonys they're not
*that* hard to replace.
Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger -- SysAdmin, Iceberg Computers
zmerch at
What do you do when Life gives you lemons,
and you don't *like* lemonade?????????????