From: Alexandre Souza - Listas <pu1bzz.listas at gmail.com>
I bet the build quality finish and durability
aren't as good on that
VAIO though...
? I want no VAIO on my life anymore. This is one of the shittest computers I've ever
repaired. Want a sturdy computer? Buy an IBM machine. Ops, Lenovo :P
C: I had a VAIO. It was ground breaking, sort of. One of the earliest P4s I guess,
16" screen. Gorgeous machine. In excess of 2Gs. Then it crapped the bed 1.5 years
later. And I never used it for much.
?Thinkpads are nice, but those horrific little mouse buttons are atrocities.
?You pay extra for both Sony and IBM. I have no love for Sony anymore. I like Thinkpads,
but can't justify the cost.
?In the final analysis you *can* get a Toshiba, for instance, sometimes for under 300$.
15-17" screen. I'm good to go (what I'm using now are much more expensive
though). You *can't* buy a Macbook cheaply. You gotta spend the bucks. I can't see
it. Especially now that they have Intel inside...