Bert Thomas wrote:
We've got
about a million ICL fiches too that could benefit from
scanning, but luckily those are just a single A4 page per fiche and so
a little more manageable.
ICL? Does that perhaps include the CLAN 4 ? I'm looking for years for
docs on that machine.
Most likely!
Right now we're having fun trying to figure out how all the data's indexed -
we've got all these cabinets full of cards, but no apparent master index that
we've yet seen (early days though, plus we're in touch with Fujitsu to see if
they've still got anything on their site)
We *might* actually have CLAN 4 docs on paper already - I'll try and remember
to look when I'm on-site next and have access to the building that I think
they're in (I'm *sure* I've seen some somewhere, and have a feeling I know
which box they were in)