Rumor has it that William Donzelli may have mentioned these words:
running in 1954. It was mounted in an Army truck. Not quite a
Osborne, but it was the first time a modern, digital computer was
specifically designed for mobility.
Do not be surprised if the crypto guys had something before that. But
they ain't talking...
Prolly due to security clearances... Despite the fact that dollars to
doughnuts it could prolly be hacked in about 12 seconds flat nowadays,
there's still things I can be jailed for life (or worse... but I doubt it
would come to that ;-) under the charge of treason if I disclosed in
public, AFAIK.
In class where I learned about these items I'm not telling you about, we
weren't allowed to take any form of physical notes - things had to be
committed to memory (mammalian only, not electronic. ;-).
Last time I checked (with military personnel with correct security
clearance) it was still classified, but that was at least a decade ago.
Not to worry - of what I speak is on topic - it was my first taste of
papertape after all... and that's all I'll say. ;-)
Now back to drinking Tequila & looking for the black helicopters on the
Roger "Merch" Merchberger -- SysAdmin, Iceberg Computers
_??_ zmerch at
(?||?) If at first you don't succeed, nuclear warhead
_)(_ disarmament should *not* be your first career choice.