I've been recovering old data from computers that I used many years ago,
the last effort was trying to recover the data from a hard disk that ran
a WFW 3.11 system. The problem was the disk could not be read on a
modern computer, so I recreated an old system and (very lucky for me)
ftp'd the data off the system after I found an ISA network card.
I have a couple of 4mm and 8mm tapes that contain data I want to
recover. The 4mm is DDS-1 and was written using tar on a SGI system in
1998. My questions are;
'What modern DAT tape drive will read this tape? How backward
compatible is this technology?'
This seems like an easy problem and intend to use a linux system to read
the tape.
The 8mm tapes were also written on an SGI system, however it was in 1994
and the IRIX Backup utility was used. IRIX 5 was probably used. Any ideas?