Gordon JC Pearce said:
On Sat, 2007-08-04 at 18:26 +0200, Holger Veit wrote:
Not the best choice, IMHO, a better one you might
find at
There are commercial clones as well, like the one from
(board, kit available through ePay for instance). I have bought a kit
them and they work fine.
One caveat with the willem programmers is that there really is only
Windows software available for them. It works well under Wine with a
bit of messing about.
Which is not really a fault of the Willem, but rather market decision.
There is Linux support meanwhile for any toilet flush device, but there
does not seem to be any need (in that a programmer adapts the available
source code to Linux) to port that thing yet.
Personally, I have been a Linux evangelist for long, but that ideology
does not lead to anything rather than adding unnecessary complexity to
life. The lesson that you don't fix screws with hammers but with an
appropriate tool has yet to be learnt in computing. So I use Windows where
suited best, and Linux in other situations.