They are also really starting to show up at the
salvage yards in bigger numbers. SGI stuff is so much
fun to collect. Its like visiting another country. All
of the different options and figuring out what works
with what makes your head spin. Just in the last two
weeks I picked up and Indy, Indigo, Onyx, and an
Origin 2200 with 8 processors. Depending on the speed
a Tezro is only a few hundred bucks now....
--- Sridhar Ayengar <ploopster at> wrote:
Zane H. Healy wrote:
awesome. It is a shame SGI killed the MIPS
systems and IRIX. I'd love to
own something like the SGI Tezro workstation, but
can't see spending any
more on the platform. I don't even remember
last time I powered one of
the systems up. :^(
I have a Tezro, which I bought because people in
industry are thinking
exactly the same as you, so they're going cheap. I
can vouch for the
fact that they are startlingly fast.
Peace... Sridhar