OK, now I think you're being unreasonable. Who,
pray tell, has these vast
secret VMS installations that we don't hear about? Show me the VAXen.
VAX machines are often found in the financial world, as well as in
military, manufacturing and process control. See below.
You could be right, VMS could be very securely
written; but until it has
been tested by throwing the same volume of script kiddies at it as other
OSen have had thrown at them you can't make any security claims based on
relative number of breakins.
No doubt that there are far fewer VAXes (I hate using VAXen), but they
are much better targets. I bet 99 percent of the Unix machines on the
Internet basically are really boring machines, a good number of which
have their fair share of porn. A much larger percentage of VAX
machines hold much more interesting bits and things to screw up - and
in the case of banking, VALUABLE bits.
I hear pretty much the same thing from all of the hackers I know - VMS
(and OS/400*) is just about buttlet proof.
*And before you ask, AS/400s are very common in the business world.
There are a huge number of the machines out there.