I have a big pile of Computer & related books,
software, etc that need to be gotten rid of:
Well I saw James and the stuff. Basically what was there was 15
standard boxes in unsorted order (or, sorted by size and not subject).
Since I have my interests (DEC mainly) I had to sort the lot to find
what's what. There is Some rejectable stuff, maybe 1 or 2 boxes,
not more. But... There's Good News for the TRS80 hobbyist...
About three full boxes of books, manuals, learning guides, software,
and brochures. Right now I can say there's even multiples of RS catalogs
1980~1990 for more than 1 person here. Mainly I think this is a windfall
for someone wanting to put together an everything TRS80 collectors setup,
minus the computer, which I know many of you have. Possibly an opportunity
to make some eBay ridicubucks for yourself, or, to save them.
More? There's some literature for pocket computers ~1981,
ZX81, a little CP/M, ... news later.
John A.
Guess what? only 5 DEC books!