Today I tried out my new (18 year old) Microvax 3800 .
(tk70, ethernet, rf31, rf72, scsi ). I removed the KDA50 boards.
The system tries to boot into VMS5.4, but hangs because it seems to look
for diskarrays that are no longer present.
Is it possible to boot into a root mode to change the startup behaviour
? Of course passwords are not available.
I am also looking for some brackets to mount the RF's into the BA-213.
( The drives came from a ba-400 chassis ) Or are other smart mounting
solutions posssible ?
Finally, are DSSI and SCSI terminators identical ?
To make place for the 3800, a Microvax II/gpx has to go .
Working, needs new disk, located in Zurich, Switzerland.
Jos Dreesen