On 4 February 2016 at 15:57, js at
cimmeri.com <js at cimmeri.com> wrote:
Well, my 2 cents: I still use WinXP for all my
primary, workhorse machines.
Rarely have any issues with it.
I *really* hope you've applied the registry hack to get EposReady
updates for it, then!
Win7 is ok but annoyingly
Agreed. I don't like the ribbons, the new fake-folders in Explorer --
but it works, it's supported and updated.
Win 98, though... I don't see the point of using
any more. It can't do anything that XP can't do far better.
Agreed, as far as Win32 apps go. DOS stuff, though, no. :(
To answer your offlist question, BTW: I am typing on an original Apple
Extended II keyboard attached to a 2011 Mac mini running OS X 10.10,
though an ADB-USB convertor.
My laptops run Ubuntu although I experiment regularly with all the
mainstream contenders. The workhorse is an old, cheap Thinkpad X200
with Ubuntu 14.04, the latest long-term support version. The
desktop-replacement, now sidelined by the Mac, has Ubuntu 15.10,
ArchLinux, CrunchBang and others.
Both the PCs can dual-boot into Win7, although I don't use it as much
as every *year* these days, so this always means a ton of updates
before I can do anything.
The Mac has a Win10 VM on it, just for playing with. I don't like it
much, to be honest. The last Windows version I really liked was
Windows 2000 -- since then, the bloat has piled on for little reward.
XP can be stripped down to nearly as lean as W2K, though. I sometimes
run the TinyXP 3rd party distro inside VMs.
Liam Proven ? Profile:
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