You wrote....
I don't think there is such a thing. I have been
searching for PDP-11
diagnostics for several years. The available images: xxdp22 and xxdp25
seem to be the best thing out there.
I have a disk of xxdp v1.0. If anyone wants an
image of it, I'd be happy to
The "Handbook" was also written in Europe.
This makes me think it was
something created in the field and not supported directly by DEC. That
makes me think there was no unified diagnostic package, but that options
had diagnostic tapes or disks and that they were distributed on an ad-hoc
I'm just shocked diags seem to receive such short shrift at DEC. I guess
makes me feel quite fortunate that for HP 2100 & 21MX we have a complete set
of full source listings that exactly match diag documentation that exactly
match the code version on the media. I've refered to that code many times.
Hopefully someday a late full library of DEC diags will be unearthed with
matching source & docs.