One could throw together a simple socket and connector
circuit to put on a parallel printer port. Use a '273 to
increase the number of outputs and use one pin as the input.
The pins for the 2102 are 1,2,4,5,6,7,13,14,15 and 16 are
address lines. 3 is MWR\. 11 is data in and 12 is data out.
10 is +5 and 9 is ground.
You do need a bi-directional parallel port.
Check out :
http://www.lvr.com/jansfaq.htm for ideas
on how to control the printer port of a PC ( I would
do it with Forth, myself but most others would use C
or something ). Write a March "C" and pause between passes
for a few seconds to check retention.
From: Tothwolf <tothwolf(a)concentric.net>
I just came across a large number of loose 2102 chips in a junkbox, and
wondered if anyone has a schematic of a test circuit for these. I'm not
sure how many of them there are yet, but they all appear to be from the
same batch; AM9102BPC/P2102A-4 7632QD [32nd week, 1976]. An couple
interesting facts I dug up on these chips is that the AM9102 was AMD's
first RAM product, and it was first produced in quantity in 1975.
I'm thinking these chips might be a good source of ram for a 6800 based
homebrew system, especially since I already have the chips and lots of
wirewrap (and patience)...