I am curious what your favorite cp/m system might be.
I am getting an itch
for some late-70/early-80/pre-msdos kind of box.
- For portability, I like the Osborne 1. I had a Kaypro 4 '84, and I admit
the larger screen was nice, but for 'cool factor', I just like the Osborne.
- For a desktop/all-in-one, the Televideo TS-803 is my pick. The graphics
capabilities are quite nice, and the screen is large for an all-in-one.
Also a nice large clicky keyboard. Wish I had the 803-H, though (built-in
hard drive) :-(. I do also have a Xerox 820-II (a fine machine), but I like
the style of the Televideo case better (not as industrial looking), and the
Xerox drives are external, so they just don't look as nice :-)
- For taking up rack/desk space, I have a CompuPro S-100 system -- Dual CPU
(Z80H and 80286), a separate box containing dual 8" floppies (Qumetrak 842
SS/DS, SD/DD), and a separate box containing dual 5.25" 96tpi floppies and a
40 MB Hard Drive. All of this drives a pristine Heath H-19 terminal with a
sweet graphics board. This is definitely my favorite overall system...
- For a system that runs CP/M that wasn't designed to run CP/M :-), I like
my Platinum Apple IIe w/ Microsoft SoftCard. I had a C-64 w/ the CP/M
cartridge, and I also had a C-128 (which really was designed to run CP/M),
but the IIe appeals to me. Especially the Microsoft CP/M card :-) (from
back when they made good products :-))
Rich B.
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