On Sat, 2005-05-21 at 21:37 +0200, Jochen Kunz wrote:
On Sat, 21 May 2005 18:50:12 +0000
Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
How to I tell what IMPACT video board it has?
(Other than powering it
up I suppose, but I'm going to be giving it a good clean inside
IIRC: Solid IMAPCT is one board, High IMPACT (== Solid IMAPCT with
texture memory) are two boards and MAX IMAPCT (== High IMPACT with twice
as much Geometry Engines and Raster Managers) are three boards.
Rats, just a standard Solid IMPACT then. Still, it's still the fastest
SGI we've got at present...
Power up machine, abort boot (press ESC or click with
mouse), go to the
cammand prompt (press 5 or click Icon) and type the command "hinv". This
will give you a Hardware INVentory.
Yep... gotta wait for various bits to dry out for a few days first
before I can do that though :) The machine was half full of dust, so
I've stripped it and dusted off some bits / washed others.
Anyone have
the SCSI connector pinouts? The machine has no drive
GET( "DriveSleds")
Yes, I did wonder... :/ I *could* scavenge some old SCA connectors from
dead SCA drives though and build some sort of adapter. Or, better still,
replace the whole internal bus with a normal cable and power sockets - I
just need pinouts of the system board SCSI connector then...
If this fails use an external disk / CDROM / ...
BTW: Internal and external SCSI bus are two independent busses with
separte host adapters.
Ahh, I had thought about that. I wasn't sure if it was dual channel -
and if it was, whether it'd boot from a device on the second channel
(mind you I suppose it has to in order to boot from an external CDROM).
Still, that's probably the way to go at least to see if it all works...
Any special
flavour of memory the machine needs?
PS/2 FPM parity SIMMs, four per bank, max. 768
MB RAM total. (1 GB with
Aha ok. I think the biggest SIMMS I have are 16MB, but not sure if
they're parity. Still, there are a bazillion SIMM sockets on the board
so even if I just fill it out with 4MB modules or something that'd still
be enough for starters :)
There where IRIX media specialized for certain
platforms but this is
written on the installation media. If the is nothing written on the
media you can expect that they support all platforms that the given
release supported. Try to get IRIX 6.5.20m. This is the latest version
that officially supports this machine.
Can't remember what I've got now TBH. I don't think it's as recent as
6.5.x though - likely it's 5.3 (I've used it to install on both Indys
and Indigos so it's certainly multi-platform... whether that's too old
to work with the Indigo2 though is another matter...)
BTW: I am typing this on an Indigo2 R10k Solid IMPACT.
Heh... nice machines by the sounds of it. Certainly the good ol' Indy's
still pretty capable, so an Indigo2 can't really be any worse :)