Sometimes you need to take a leap of faith to go forward.
Last night I cleaned the hell out of both the heads and the disk pack. I
even tried Brakekleen on the leading surface of the bottom head but it
didn't remove anything. I had the best results with putting lint free
cloth soaked in 99.9% isopropyl alcohol between the loaded heads. Got the
top head clean except for a wide line somewhat less than 0.1" wide that
goes from top to bottom. It's so perfect it looks like the head was
somehow made that way. Bottom head only had a few small blemishes left.
The disk pack had a wide scour mark with a few very small black areas. I
never could get this any cleaner.
Anyway, I fired up the drive and got the slight crashing noise again. I
re-cleaned the heads and decided to try a known good pack. Success! No
noise. I can DIR the drive and it looks good. Now I can either work on
the clanging 3rd drive or go back to TC08 debugging.
BTW, I saw a reference in another thread to using FUTIL's SCAN command to
do a simple disk read check. I can't get it to work. Does anyone here
know the correct syntax, etc for this?
Thanks again,
On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 3:39 AM, Philipp Hachtmann <hachti at> wrote:
What I would do is
disable the servo (red swtich on th amplifier PCB
on top of the PSU), put
a folded imwipe between the heads and disable interlocks so the drive wil
lrun without a disk instaleld. Then move the carriage frowards by hand
wit hthe thing effectively spun up (the Kimwipe wil lavoid damaging the
heads) and look at the signals i nthe positioner servo circuit with a
'scope. Start wit hthe outputs of the transducer, see if all signals are
present and change as you move the carriage.
I do it the same way - but with a spinning disk in the drive. It comes out
the same...