On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 5:20 PM, Greg Stark <stark at mit.edu> wrote:
I'm new here so maybe I'm wrong but isn't
the norm that sellers offer items
for sale and buyers makee offers for those items?
It doesn't seem reasonable to me for you to request buyers provide you with
a list of what they would be interested in on the chance that you might
have something they want.
It's a bit of the norm in the collecting world. My dad was an avid
stamp collector
and he had a list of the stamps from different countries that he wanted to
purchase. He'd send this list to a number of different dealers who would then
make him an offer to sell him some of the stamps on his list. He'd
pick and chose
which of the offers he accepted based on funds on hand, and how much of the
goal it would accomplish (he had favorite countries and less favorite ones). It
seems to me that folks with ancient DEC computers know what they want and
likely have the list on-hand.... So it isn't too crazy....