On Apr 14, 11:36, Don Maslin wrote:
On Sat, 14 Apr 2001, Pete Turnbull wrote:
I didn't
know about a proprietary OS, I've
only seen p-System on them, but I think you could get CP/M-68K. I met
someone who claimed to have CP/M-68K for a Sage but when pressed, he
couldn't find the Sage version.
I have it as a 3 DSQD disk set in TeleDisk image form.
Hmm... the Sage is in the "heap on the shelves that need sorted" at the
moment, and I haven't time to do the sorting. But I'll file that reference
for the future :-) Thanks, Don!
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
Dept. of Computer Science
University of York