On Thu, 4 Jun 2009 06:11:35 -0700 (PDT), Gene Buckle wrote:
I think my favorite quote from that book is
(approximately), "I shall deal
with no measurement of time shorter than a fortnight". :)
About the time they added KPH to the spedo of american cars, a number of followers
began looking at Furlongs Per Fortnight (FPF) as a more meaningfull distance over time
unit of mesurement than Kph based on a therory of large numbers being better and faster
We all know 60 mph = 96 kph which sounds faster.
The same 60 mph = 161280 fpf which sounds real fast but is too big a number for most auto
It was not until fpf was converted to the biniary K that it made using a 4.5 digit display
usefull for
something other than a cheep digital scale.
Introducing 1024, the galatic binary constant, into the conversion helped to modernize it
a bit.
60 mph = 157.5 Kfpf, now that sounds real fast to a binary person.
As a project planning person, plan for a week but ask for a fortnight,
that way when they cut you project time/budget way back there was still a good chance of a
I like and use a Fortnight based billing and accounting system, that way I have 2 weeks to
recover from
the experiance of dealing with the book keeping chore. I have always questioned if the 28
day cycle that
the credit card companys liked to use, was based on a bifortnight or was it more Menstrual
in its origin?
I am sure it was because they liked the idea of 13 periods a year, the cycle of lunacy
based on a pagan
lunar calander.
Back under my rock
The other Bob