Dave Dameron wrote:
Yes I have used the 1k "RDOS" monitor, one
thing that made it useful was
the source printed in their brown booklet. Back when, I modified it to use
a Vector Graphics flashwriter. You might look for earlier Cromemco monitors
that could use a 8080A. (Like with a 8k Bytesaver). If you aren't using a
disk, the 3 most useful cammands are display memory, substitute memory, and
jump to a location.
I don't remember if any of these in the RDOS monitor would work with a
8080, but they aren't too difficult to program. That monitor source is how
I "got my feet wet" with Z-80 assembly.
I also have Cromemco "Control basic" somewhere in 3 2708's, but could not
get it to run several years ago, either with a TUART or fixed serial port.
(bit rot?)
Browsing through early copies of Byte magazine I came across an article
describing AMS80 version 2 : AMSAT 8080 standard debug monitor. The
articrel includes full source code listings of hte monitor. I can try
and scan/copy the article for you.
Hans B Pufal Comprehensive Computer Catalogue
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