From: Douglas H. Quebbeman
....If you happen to be one of those very few decent people who
are using one of these ISPs (yes I'm pissed), and you want
to contact me, you'll have to punch through the filter.
To do that, take the two-word phrase I used in the sentence
above, misspell the second word using the commonly-used shorter
mispelling, concatenate it with the violence word that precedes
it, capitalize, and enclose the result in square brackets.
Geez, you must be pissed! That's a hell of some hoops to jump
--- David A Woyciesjes
--- C & IS Support Specialist
--- Yale University Press
--- (203) 432-0953
--- ICQ # - 905818
Mac OS X 10.1 - Darwin Kernel Version 5
Running since 01/22/2002 without a crash