A friend who rented a room off me for a couple of
years wa s the first
to say this to me. I would often go to him with Linux problems and
queries and it took him quite some time to wrap his head around the
idea that I was powerfully averse to scripting and coding. It is very
alien to the Unix mindset, which is, yes, by programmers for
programmers. This makes it sometimes very unfriendly to
As this particular friend said to me: "it is only now that I am
starting to understand how /deeply/ bizarre some of this stuff must
seem to you, as a non-programmer!"
I still find it bizarre that anyone would buy and use a computer and
_not_ want to program it... Mind you, I also find it strange that people
buy electronci devices and dont remove the covers within at most 1 hour
of gettign them home...
BTW: A friend of mine knows all and everything
about Windows. But he
simply can't wrap his mind around Unix. Just like you.
:=ACD Hurrah! It is not just me!
I have the reverse proble, I find unix to be very intuitive, othercommand
lines to be genrally OK (but not as pleasant), and GUIs to be downright
counterintuitive... Oh well.