Am 27 Jun 2006 12:07 meinte Jules Richardson:
I've got some equipment here that has RS422 serial
on it - i.e. it uses
differential signal pairs rather than RS232's reference against ground.
Question is, can I wire up a cable so that I can use
an RS232 terminal with
this RS422 equipment? (running over a short distance)
YMMV <- maybe the most apropriate US abrevation :))
It's for shure outside the specs it may or it may not work.
Usualy I'd recommend using a nice 8 Pin Max 3462. It's just 3 Bucks
and will remove a lot of possible debugging. Beside that, your cable
looks fine.
Sill, the 422 Specs define +/- 2 V as low and +/- 6V as high for the
sender side and +/- 0.2V as minimum for receiving circuits.
(the actual comms chip is a 6551A, then the receiver
for RXD and CTS is a
26LS32 and the driver for TXD and BSY is 26LS30)
Use a Max3462
VCF Europa 8.0 am 28/29.April 2007 in Muenchen