On 6/14/06, Alexandre Souza <alexandre-listas at e-secure.com.br> wrote:
I bought a 4ML
new, back in the day, for about $1100 - still works great.
ML is a great printer, but has a very weak fuser assembly - this one
already uses the "new technology" of ceramic heater and very thin and
flexible teflon tube. But I love it, I have one of that too :o) It was saved
from scrap, was in a trash bin, but now works flawlessly ;o)
I'm sure that the fuser is fragile - I have a 4L (same engine and
case, Centronics-only interface board, no Postscript) that was really
cheap at the Uni surplus because it had no cartridge (not even a
mostly-empty one) and no fuser assembly. Some Uni person pulled the
entire fuser unit and dumped the rest on the surplus folks. :-P
It's a low-priority project to get that one working again - I can see
that one of the SMT interface ICs (74LS07?) is cracked and will have
to be replaced. Dunno what else is wrong with it, since it has no