On Tue, 25 Sep 2007, Gerhard Lenerz wrote:
For BIG CASH probably yes. ANYTHING can be insured,
but there is the
part where you have to think about *real* risks, the money the
$company asks for and will spend and what ever good the cash-back will
do in case something rare breaks.
Consider also that the insurance company may want to have someone repair a
damaged computer. Something like that happened to a friend of mine who
was expecting an Atari ABAQ[1] to arrive by UPS. The package was lost,
then eventually found impaled by a forklift. UPS wanted to send it to be
[1] One of only ten or so in existance, IIRC.
David Griffith
dgriffi at
A: Because it fouls the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?