On 29/09/2020 18:56, Chris Zach via cctalk wrote:
Ok, got a good starter scan. Did it at 600dpi,
black/white, saving
here as Tiff and JPG formats in different directories. Will make a
cheap-o PDF version and put it on
iguana.crystel.com in a bit.
You don't want JPG for text. It'll have fuzzy edges, which isn't
(afaict) good for future OCR.
I also have the 4 volume set of Professional Toolkit and a 4 volume
set of Ultrix/11 manuals. Have these already been uploaded somewhere?
If you check titles or part #s on
https://manx-docs.org/ you should
whether something has definitely been scanned (if there's a working
Online link). It's always possible that there's a copy somewhere that
no-one has told manx about, but that doesn't often happen in my experience.
Antonio Carlini
antonio at