On Fri, 21 Apr 2000, Roger Merchberger wrote:
Erm... if you don't want to upset the locals, call
it an "ale." ;-)
Technically, however, beer is made with hops as a bittering agent, ale is
made with spices other than hops, IIRC.
Technically, yes. Ale goes all the way back to Sumeria, and was composed
of malted grains, yeast, and water. Around the 15th-16th centuries, hops
was added for bittering and as a natural preservative. Beer has become,
however, a generic term for Ales (using hops), Real Ales (traditional
ancient recipe), Lagers, and others. Of course the difference between an
"ale" and a "lager" is the fermentation temperature and type of yeast
Aaron (who has an IPA finishing secondary right now...already delicious!)